Persuasive writing workshop: Move ’em to act
Nail this skill in just 3 hours in a Mini Master Class* or webinar
Your readers are bombarded with the data equivalent of 174 newspapers — ads included — every day, according to a study by USC’s Annenberg School for Communication.
In this environment, how do you grab readers’ attention and move them to act?
In this writing workshop, you’ll learn how to Think Like a Reader. You’ll find out how to write more engaging, persuasive messages.
Best of all, you’ll perfect this skill in just three hours in our Mini Master Class* or webinar.
“My mind was blown in the first hour.”
— Kelly Whitman, senior marketing specialist, Magna International
Team training
Get a customized workshop at your convenience.
What you’ll learn in this writing workshop
In this persuasive-writing workshop, you’ll learn a three-step process for making your message more relevant, valuable and interesting to your audience. Specifically, you’ll learn how to:

Cut through the clutter of competing messages with the formula people use to determine which messages to pay attention to.

Boost audience interest with two rewards of reading.

Answer the No. 1 question readers are asking.

Make a two-minute perspective shift to focus your message on the readers’ best interest.

Make your message more relevant to readers with the most popular word in the English language (Hint: It isn’t free or sex!)

Use AI to better connect with your audience. Yes, a robot can help you understand humans better! Learn to use ChatGPT, Bard, Bing and other generative AI bots to get closer to your audience.

Get Ann to help you write reader-focused messages. Watch as writing coach Ann Wylie edits your homework live in class. That’s how we put the master in the Mini Master Class!
“Digging into the nitty-gritty and pulling apart our writing samples word by word taught me a lot.”
— Cristin Zegers, PR consultant, Cathey Communications
*What’s a Mini Master Class?
In our Mini Master Class, you’ll do a deep dive on a single subject in just 3 hours:
- Learn how to write persuasive messages in one 90-minute class.
- Practice the techniques you’ve learned on your own communications.
- Get coaching and feedback from Ann.
In our webinars, your team will learn a new writing skill in one 90-minute class.
Are you ready to move readers to act?
Become a more persuasive writer: Start writing more reader-centric messages now.
Team training
Get a customized workshop at your convenience.
Learn more about our other writing workshops.
Questions? Please contact Ann.