What graduates say about Catch Your Readers
“I have been a journalist for 30 years, published more than 10,000 times, and I have learned more about writing in the past two days from Ann than I have in all that time. I so needed this!”
— Jim Masters, internal communications specialist, Accenture

“Hands down the most valuable workshop I’ve ever attended. I was riveted the whole time.”
— Anne Bettesworth, policy analyst, Seattle Community Police Commission
“I love that it’s science-based. Corporate communications struggle to position themselves as strategic. I feel I have concrete tools to state my case for how we write, now.”
— Carrie Chambers, senior communication specialist, Kiewit
“This is by far the best professional development I have participated in. Ann provides tips for writers of all abilities to grow and improve.”
— Jacy Conradt, marketing strategist, Bozeman Health
“It was an incredible, fast-paced, comprehensive presentation of the biggest problems we face in the communications world today.”
— Colleen Dourney, fine wine communication specialist, E&J Gallo Winery
“Wish it was longer! I could tinker forever. I learned so many practical tips that I can’t wait to implement.”
— Sarah Flores, client services manager, Tex Hahn Media
“This was a great workshop. Ann has something for everyone — from novice writers to those of us who have been in the business from three to four decades.”
— Jim Gring, functional communicator, Lockheed Martin
“Excellent! Best workshop I’ve attended — EVER!”
— Patty Iannotti, manager, employee & external communications, FM Global
“This workshop is incredibly valuable for all levels of writers. Not only was I set in my ways, but I was oblivious to them! This course was a good reminder of the value of communications work and how important it is to revisit and refine our craft as PR pros.”
— Melissa Johnson, director of school and community engagement, Mapleton Public Schools
“Amazing! I learned more in two days than I did in all my college classes combined. I feel so much more confident in writing pieces that work!”
— Katie Johnson, public relations manager, Iowa Soybean Association
“I learned more about writing in two days than in four years of college and six years of practice.”
— Samantha Jorgensen, public relations and social media manager, Charles River Labs
“Amazing! I have learned more in this two-day class than I did in my two years Masters Program.”
— Rochelle Juette, communications specialist, Washington Closure Hanford
“A semester’s worth of knowledge in a few hours.”
— Amy Kappler, communications specialist, Burgess and Niple
“I love that it was backed up by so much research. It will make our jobs easier when we go back and sell these ideas to our organization!”
— Emily Linendoll, assistant director of communications, Northeastern University
“Catch Your Reader is an exceptional workshop. In the few hours I’ve spent listening to Ann, I’ve collected so many immediately applicable tools for writing. More than from any other class I’ve taken.”
— Aaron Lovell, associate director, University of Utah Health
“Fantastic! I’ve been writing for years and often feel like there’s nothing left to learn. Boy was I so wrong! Great job, Ann!”
— Tomeeka Miller, social media consultant, FM Global
“Mind and skill expanding! I didn’t know what I didn’t know!”
— Wendy Perkins, staff writer, San Diego Zoo Global
“Just wanted to give a shout out to the magic of your method, Ann. A feature I wrote won first place in the National Federation of Press Women Communicators Contest on Saturday. That’s not the first national award I attribute to applying what I learned in your Catch Your Readers Master Class!”
— Karen Petersen, communications strategist, NREL
“The most useful tools I have and will ever receive!”
— Sandhya Pillay, general manager, Coca-Cola Oceania
“It’s a fantastic course that helped me improve my writing and get it approved by the powers that be.”
— Karen Saari, copywriter, Madison Area Technical College
“I cannot believe the amount of information I learned and applied in two days. I know my pieces will improve significantly.”
— Nikki Santillana, communications coordinator, LuLaRoe
“Love. Love. Love.”
— Brian Schultz, IT communications, Progressive Insurance
“It made me totally rethink the way I write.”
— Erin Sikorski, account coordinator, Arketi Group
“On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, I rate Ann’s classes a 25.”
— Marjorie Simon, principal/owner, Simon & Associates Public Relations
“The best writing training I’ve ever taken. The best online training I’ve ever taken.”
— Alex Smith, PR and marcomms manager, Connected Places Catapult
“Top notch! I would recommend it for any writer and only wish I had attended sooner.”
— Andrea Smith-Ruff, communication specialist, University of Michigan
“LOVED IT! I really feel like my writing has been taken to the next level.”
— Carlie Sullivan, PR & marketing, Joni and Friends
“I’ve been at Coca-Cola 25 years and fortunate to take many communications classes as a leader across different areas. This class and Ann are the very best! If you want to communicate in a more reader-friendly pithy and potent manner, this is your solution!”
— Barry Thomas, head of customer marketing & future of commerce, The Coca-Cola Company
“Thoroughly researched and masterfully presented.”
— Aimee Thunberg, VP, communications, Auburn Seminary
“Fantastic! Within 90 minutes I was applying the ideas Ann presented.”
— Jennifer Uschold, senior manager, internal communications, Direct Energy
“After years of teaching writing, I expected this to be a rehash of everything I already knew. Wrong! Plenty here to refresh the mind. And Ann is hilarious: It’s like a hyper-informative comedy routine.”
— Tom Wallis, content specialist, UNC System Office
“This is by far one of the most helpful workshops for writers. You will learn techniques and tips on how to write more convincing copy that is simple and easier to read.”
— Joshua White, communications specialist, WellMed
“My mind was blown in the first hour.”
— Kelly Whitman, senior marketing specialist, Magna International
“The best writing course I’ve had in more than 20 years in the communications field.”
— Danice Wilson, director, communications, KBR
“It was a great workshop. I look forward to applying what I learned when I am charged with a persuasive piece. Digging into the nitty-gritty and pulling apart our writing samples word by word taught me a lot.”
— Cristin Zegers, PR consultant, Cathey Communications
What did prominent twentieth-century Americans including Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Margaret Chase Smith, Ronald Reagan and others know that you don’t know?
They knew how to win with words — how to draw people in and move them to act.
Learn the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art and science of persuasive writing, in our in-house persuasive writing courses and public persuasive writing training programs.
You’ll find out how to write from the reader’s point of view, how to find your voice and how to engage in civil discourse. Conveying a convincing message can benefit your organization and yourself.
This ability will help you engage readers and move them to action. Join us to the art of persuasive writing and speech.
(Are you looking for a course that is an introduction to the theory of rhetoric? One built around Harvard professor James Engell’s work? Look elsewhere. This course is a practical, hands-on workshop for professional communicators.)