Half of U.S. adults read at basic level or below
Let’s start with the bad news: More than half of American adults have basic or below basic prose skills, according to the Department of Education’s latest literacy test.… Read the full article
Writing workshops, communication consulting and writing services
Let’s start with the bad news: More than half of American adults have basic or below basic prose skills, according to the Department of Education’s latest literacy test.… Read the full article
Compare the impact of this statement …’
“Each day, we lose 30 children to gun violence.”
… to the impact of this one:
“Each day, we lose a classroom of children to gun violence.”
Bad writing causes 40% of the cost of managing business transactions, writes William H. DuBay, a readability expert at Impact Information, in Working with Plain Language (PDF).… Read the full article
Sentences too long? Use Microsoft Word’s “find” function to search for conjunctions. They include:
When one of my writing coachees tried this trick, she found 23 “and’s” in a 500-word article.… Read the full article
Eliot Fette Noyes was a Harvard-trained architect and industrial designer.… Read the full article
Size does matter.
The longer your story, the less of it your readers will read — and the less likely they are to understand and act on it.… Read the full article
So much for the SEC’s new rules requiring companies to write more clearly about executive compensation.
This year’s compensation discussion and analysis (CD&A) sections — the first crop created under the new SEC mandate — are almost impossible to read.… Read the full article
Why make copy clearer and more readable?
In “Complex to Clear: Managing Clarity in Corporate Communication,” two researchers at the University of St.… Read the full article
Making a publication “easy to read” is the No. 1 way to increase readership.
If newspapers (and, by extension, other publications) become more “relaxing to read” and make it easier “to find what I’m looking for,” people will:
That was a key finding of “Impact,” a study by the Readership Institute.… Read the full article
All things else being equal, readers would rather read a short piece than a long one.
But all things are never really equal.… Read the full article
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